Community Grants
Our 2024 Grant Applications are closed. More information on our 2025 grants will be released at the end of August 2025.
Our 2024 grant recipients will be announced in January!
Community Grant Funding Guidelines
The Kelly for Kids Foundation Community Grants are awarded to charitable not-for-profit 501 (C)(3) organizations whose primary mission is to assist children in need in the Western New York area. In particular, it funds health and social service organizations that serve the disabled and/or economically disadvantaged youth.
1. Innovative programs that directly assist Western New York children in need.
2. Equipment and physical improvements for organizations dedicated to programs for disadvantaged children and teens.
3. The Foundation gives priority to organizations that can demonstrate definitively how the funds will be used.
Proposal Review & Evaluation
Foundation staff will conduct a screening of all proposals to determine eligibility. Organizations whose proposals do not meet initial criteria will be notified of that decision. Applications will not be considered if any of the criteria outlined is not included. The Board of Directors will evaluate eligible proposals. The committee may request additional information and a site visit, or a meeting may be scheduled.
Provide grants to individuals.
Purchase sponsorships (e.g., program advertising, corporate table, golf holes) at the organization’s special events.
Provide funding for public playgrounds.
Fund local chapters of national organizations that send a substantial portion of the grant to the national office.
Fund governmental programs of lobbying efforts.
Provide grants for overhead or general operating expenses.

Congratulations to our 2024 grant recipients!

Kelly For Kids
8205 Main St #13
Williamsville, NY 14221
Contact Us
Phone: 716-204-1212
Email: alantz@kellyforkids.com